Omniartis is a game about customisation and a unique experience within a broader story.

You can read my introduction to Omniartis here: Omniartis Introduction.


Up-to-date milestones, with status updates.

Milestone Status Task/s Due
Basic Bevy Setup Set up simple Bevy app with a 3D camera and object 2024-12-01
Interaction Test Implement interaction with 3D object that produces visual change in scene 2024-12-08
Player Movement Implement forwards, backwards, and sideways player movement (+jumping) 2024-12-15
Test Scene with Tiles Create test scene with removable and replaceable 3D tiles. Optional skybox (single colour) 2024-12-29
Different Tile Types Create 4+ different types of tiles, each different colour. Optional different properties 2025-01-05
Basic Tools Implement basic tools for tile breaking. Optional different tiers for different types of tile 2025-01-19
Character Models Design simple model for basic character and add 3+ customisation options 2025-01-26
NPCs Create 1+ NPC with dialogue and 1 killable creature 2025-02-16
World Generation Complete algorithm for seeded generation of terrain with tiles 2025-03-09
Structures Create 1+ placeable/generatable structure made of tiles 2025-03-23
Locations Create 1+ placeable/generatable location made of structures and tiles 2025-04-06
Character Capabilities Implement capability/disability system for characters, 2 capabilities, disabilities and skills each 2025-04-20
Costumes Implement system for saving and switching costumes for a character 2025-05-04
Multiple Characters Implement system for saving and switching different characters, each with own costumes and capabilities 2025-05-18
Saves Implement system for game saves. Must have save slots to save to and load from. Optional quicksave and quickload 2025-06-01
Story Add at 3+ more NPCs, with dialogue. Change dialogue depending on player talk order 2025-06-15
Items Implement items and inventory system, 2+ food, tools, weapons and misc each 2025-06-29
Crafting Implement crafting system for items 2025-07-13
Currency Implement currency system for later trading/vending system 2025-07-20
Trade Implement trading/vending system with NPCs or shops/stalls/vending machines 2025-08-03
Enemies Design and implement 4+ enemies for player to face 2025-08-17
Quests Create questing system and modify NPCs’ dialogues to offer player quests 2025-08-31
“Level Creation” Tools Create system for faster and easier structure and location design and construction, and NPC and creature creation 2025-09-14
Content & Polishing Add more content within existing frameworks (items, NPCs, etc…) and polish off bugs and issues 2025-10-12
Wrap up and Release Close project and release game for download 2025-10-26

I will be doing each milestone in the above order, moving on when I feel each is complete enough and coming back only if I find problems with that piece of the codebase, if I am making upgrades or updates, and when I come back at the end for polishing.